Ahoy, adventurers! Prepare to plunge into a tale as wild as the open sea and just a tad… legal (literally)! Join us as Mandi embarks on her daring expedition in search of the legendary Barramundi, all under Townsville’s scorching sun. But heave-ho, mateys, this voyage ain’t all smooth sailing!!!

But fret not! This story brims with adventure, not just the kind involving sand and waves (R.I.P. Johnson Aged 40). Picture it: five kilometers along a sun-soaked shoreline, where the ocean’s azure hues stretch endlessly, and Insulator Creek murmurs secrets of mud crabs and saltwater crocodiles basking in the sun. Beautiful sunrises on one side and the most memorable sunsets on the other. Can you already smell the campfire smoke wafting through the salty breeze?

And in the heart of this escapade, there’s Mandi—full of Anxiety, ready to use the Power of 5. She is determined, and with a glint of mischief in her eye. Having grown up in North Queensland and never being able to land a legal Barramundi, she’s ready to tackle whatever challenges the sea throws her way. With Bruce’s unwavering determination to put Mandi on the Barra and her own resolve, it’s a mission they refuse to fail. But ultimately, it’s up to Mandi to reel in the Barramundi, minimum size of 58cm, and secure her place in the families “North Queensland angler’s hall of fame”.

But wait, there’s more! As we bid adieu to the sandy shores near Townsville, we encountered the Bog of all bogs, a treacherous obstacle that tested our mettle to the core. It was as we bid farewell to the beach, a small drain crossing in our path. Oh how it quickly changed to a race against the tide. With hearts racing and adrenaline pumping, we narrowly escaped its clutches, thanks to the timely help of bystanders who appeared just when we needed them most. Without their assistance, it would have been RIP not only to old Johnson but also to our faithful ute. Another vehicle wasn’t quite as lucky…

So, avast ye, adventurers, and uncover whether Mandi snags her dream catch (legally, of course!) and how we tackle the crocs… figuratively speaking, that is! Keep scrolling, me hearties, and discover the thrilling conclusion of our beachside escapade!

4×4 Beach Camping Beauty:

Battle with Barramundi:

Farewell Johnson:

Getting 4×4 Bogged:

Emerging from the fray, we find ourselves victorious—not just with Mandi’s first ever legal Barramundi, but also with a mound of sand clinging obstinately to every nook and cranny of our gear and beings. Our seaside sojourn draws to a close, with the final vestiges of salty freedom washed away by suds and scrubbing brushes.

Reflecting on our journey, it’s incredible to look back and laugh about Johnson’s abrupt retirement and our epic, oar-propelled odyssey. Every twist and turn, from the thrilling skirmish with the “legal-limit” Barramundi to the chance encounters with nature’s ancient denizens, etches itself into our memory.

True, challenges abounded. Sand became an unwelcome companion, and Johnson’s departure forced us to tap into reservoirs of resilience we never knew existed. Yet, amid it all, laughter and camaraderie prevailed, reminding us that the true treasures of adventure lie not just in the catch, but in shared experiences and enduring memories.

As we bid farewell to Townsville’s sandy shores, we carry more than mere souvenirs and snapshots. We carry the indomitable spirit of adventure, the immutable beauty of nature, and the understanding that even the most arduous journeys forge lasting connections and memories. And to Johnson, though you’ve sailed into the sunset, your legend lives on in tales spun around future campfires.

So, here’s to new horizons, to shedding sand-caked attire and reveling in the joy of cleanliness, and to the untamed, marvelous spirit that dwells within us all. Until next time, may your adventures rival the unforgettable, and may your vessels (hopefully) remain buoyant!

I’d love to answer any questions you might have, feel free to ask me in the comments section below. Also here is a storey of when we unexpectedly ended up on the Creb track.


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