Django here, your chatty narrator perched high above the highways and hilarity of our Aussie adventure.

Greetings and welcome fellow feathered friends and travel enthusiasts! Buckle up, because we’re knee-deep in feathers, fur, and full-time travel – five months deep, to be precise!

Landing in 2024…

Crafting Our Mobile Nest:

Learn the secrets behind turning our LandCruiser into a five-star birdcage on wheels. Spoiler alert: it involves a lot of twigs, a dash of DIY, and a sprinkle of parrot-approved decorating flair.

Challenges and Triumphs – Squawk Edition:

Feather-ruffling breakdowns, as well as uproarious encounters, and the legendary tale of Chia’s battle with a particularly slippery intruder into camp. Every hitch in the journey has its own plucky charm.

Embracing Mental “Well-Nest”:

Discover how the soothing hum of the engine and the mesmerizing landscapes have transformed our mobile abode into a haven of mental “well-nest.” Even the clouds above are attending our daily mindfulness sessions.

Future Follies:

What’s next on our feather-brained agenda? Join us in the crystal ball gazing as we envision more feather-flapping adventures and perhaps a few dramatic renditions of Aussie classics.

So, perch yourself on the edge of your seat (or branch) as we squawk you through the “now” of our journey. And don’t you worry soon in fact, we’ll rewind to the days when we were just a crazy bunch dreaming about taking flight!

Squawking tales and travel whims,


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